Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Greece. Two days of solidarity to the arrested militants and the revolutionary movement of India

On the occasion of the mass arrests of militants, activists and revolutionaries in India, a two-day program was organized, of informing the people about the popular and revolutionary movement in India, as well as denouncing these very arrests in that country.
On Friday the 5th of October, a panel discussion took place at the books store of  “Outside of the walls” in Athens. There were many participants who were interested in finding out about the truth, in the revolutionary, workers' and popular movement, as well as in the democratic rights movement of India. The interest was apparent since all of the participants stayed until the end of the discussion but also because of the various contributions in the discussion and questions that followed. A contribution was also made by a representative of the Turkish magazine “Partizan”.

At the same time, there was a slideshow with illustrations of the movement and of the fierce suppression by the Indian state, as well as a video with the title “Operation Green Hunt”, directed by CNM the Cultural Wing of CP of India (Maoist). Despite its lack of subtitles, even in English, it was worth a view, since the images speak for themselves!

On Saturday the 6th of October, on an initiative taken by the Communist Party of Greece (m-l), a demonstration took place in then Indian Embassy; a demonstration of solidarity, to denounce the arrests and to demand freedom for all those who were arrested At the demonstration other organizations that also participated were: M-L CPG, ΡCMG (Ρevolutionary Communist Movement of Greece) and Partizan magazine from Turkey.  

The silence of other organizations' pamphlets, papers and internet media is distinctive, regarding this movement in particular; a movement which has been described as the greatest threat of the century by the Indian bourgeoisie, its governments and the imperialists everywhere, for which they have been waging a fierce war against it. CPG's stance is understandable. After all this party is in tight comradely relationship with CPI (Marxist). This Indian party, either as a governing party in Confederate States in India (both now and in the past) or as a supporter of Central Governments of the Congress (alongside CP of India), not only has it been leading the massacre of villagers and the war against the People's Liberation Guerilla Army that defends them, but it has also been demanding all the more taking action using the national Army.

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