Thursday, September 28, 2017

The forgotten refugees: Survivors of the Sabra and Shatila massacre

When Palestinian refugees were massacred in Beirut in 1982, Dr. Swee Chai Ang, a refugee living in the U.K., was working as a young volunteer medic in the camp. On the 35th anniversary, Ang describes her memories and unanswered questions.

Thirty five years ago, as Israel overran West Beirut, Lebanese Christian militiamen entered the Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila in West Beirut. Over three days, Israeli forces sealed the camp and allowed them to slaughter several thousand refugees.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Fascism and the system that gave him birth are only crashed by Peoples struggle.

It has been 4 years since Roupakias, a member of the Greek neo-Nazi Party, Golden Dawn murdered antifascist rap artist Pavlos Fyssas with a knife. Such a murder was by no means an accidental incident, as Fyssas, through his songs and his actions expressed his sentiments of resistance and defiance in his neighborhood of Keratsini, Pireus. Such voices, however, do not fit into the rotten capitalist-imperialist system, which tries to terrorize the people and the youth through murders and fascistization. This is the system that “guided” Roupakias. This is the system that has set Roupakias free despite him confessing to have murdered Fyssas and his party undertaking publicly the political responsibility of the murder.

Despite the supposed disapproval of Golden Dawn and its actions by the system's representatives -from the Media to its puppet-parties these representatives cannot conceal their role in supporting the neo-Nazis political rise.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

October 1917,100 years from the first dash to the sky (2/2)

The second part of the two presentations of an open event for the 100 years of the October Revolution that took place in Athens in May of 2017.

By T. Fotopoulos member of the Central Committee of CPG(m-l).  

We are going through a historical period where the realism of the practicing policy is centered on the fact that "revolutionary politics do not work, and they have a marginal appeal".
We live in a period where a revolutionary policy with a look towards tomorrow is constantly postponed, and revolutionary voluntarism has been banished from thinking and practice.
It is a phase of the movement where “left pessimism”, with eyes fixed on parliamentary percentages, brings disappointment.
It is a time when the workers' communist strategy, as a living policy in the battles of today, is seeked, and must be rebuilt. For now it is ideologically “underground”, treated as "sectarianism" or "leftism" ...
In this endeavor to restore the revolutionary view to the present, we want to contribute with this event, but mainly with our political intervention, since this will give us again the food for the theory of the new period of the Communist movement that we are already walking on.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Revolution in Education: Our Experience (2)

by Chen Shui-lian, teacher in the department of automation at Tsinghua University

Published in Peking Review, 14(36), 3 September 1971

I am a teacher of mathematics. When the first group of worker-peasant-soldier students was enrolled in June last year, I was quite enthusiastic when I began teaching. However, I began to have misgivings when six of my ten lectures fell short of the requirements. I felt that I could do nothing about it and waited for the leadership to solve the problem.

It was then that the Party committee and the workers’ and P.L.A. men’s Mao Tsetung Thought propaganda team called a meeting of all the teachers in the university and pointed out that although there were many contradictions in teaching and learning, the first thing to be stressed was remoulding the teachers’ world outlook. Otherwise, nothing could be achieved. The meeting helped me see the way out. With my own ideological problem in mind, I studied Chairman Mao’s a teaching “In the problem of transforming education it is the teachers who are the main problem” and his other teachings on serving the workers, peasants and soldiers.