Thursday, September 21, 2017

Fascism and the system that gave him birth are only crashed by Peoples struggle.

It has been 4 years since Roupakias, a member of the Greek neo-Nazi Party, Golden Dawn murdered antifascist rap artist Pavlos Fyssas with a knife. Such a murder was by no means an accidental incident, as Fyssas, through his songs and his actions expressed his sentiments of resistance and defiance in his neighborhood of Keratsini, Pireus. Such voices, however, do not fit into the rotten capitalist-imperialist system, which tries to terrorize the people and the youth through murders and fascistization. This is the system that “guided” Roupakias. This is the system that has set Roupakias free despite him confessing to have murdered Fyssas and his party undertaking publicly the political responsibility of the murder.

Despite the supposed disapproval of Golden Dawn and its actions by the system's representatives -from the Media to its puppet-parties these representatives cannot conceal their role in supporting the neo-Nazis political rise.
They are the ones that did not hesitate to call Fyssas murder an “isolated incident”; they are the ones that do everything in their power to criminalize whoever acts outside the tight margins of the system. Their goal is to disorient the people and poison our consciousness with their reactionary propaganda. For them refugees and immigrants consist a problem and a threat; for them the unemployed are useless and partly responsible for their situation; for them university and school students are “rebels without a cause”, militants are “extremists”; for them the theory of the “two extremes”, the theory of equalization of fascism and communism is totally valid, as it actually absolves fascism and aims for the people and workers' movement.

They want to instill the politics of fascistization of public and political life to the people; to instill the anti-worker policies, to ban the right to protest or strike, to abolish the freedom to unionize, to bring down the University Campus Asylum and to suppress the people's struggle using the riot police. Thus they give space to all kinds of fascists to act unhindered.

The SYRIZA-ANEL government acts in the same fashion by laundering the Golden Dawn fascists by organizing nationalist fiestas in common, such as the one in Kastellorizo. This proves that all the political perceptions of organizations and parties, that believed that a “left” management could save us from the monstrosities of the system, were disorientating for the peoples movement.

It is the same perceptions, which keep on feeding the delusions on the role of the state and its mechanisms. It is this perceptions that want to deceive the people into demanding from the system to administer justice and to shut down Golden Dawn's offices, the same system that bred the fascists and uses them as its vanguard against the people's struggle. It is the justice of the bourgeoisie that did not hesitate to show its true face, by judging strikes to be unconstitutional, by prosecuting militants, by imprisoning young people, without any evidence or by letting Roupakias and other fascists roaming free. There is no use for the movement to appeal in the fake justice of the capitalist system, other than engulfing the movement and breeding the delusion that the womb that bore fascism, the capitalist imperialist system, can be the one to destroy it.

The only way for the people and the youth to answer to the policy of fascistization is to create a movement against this warmongering and murderous system that also produces poverty and misery and breeds the monstrosity of fascism. We have to resist against the notion that capitalism is a one-way route, and fight for the betterment of the conditions of living.

Besides, the best way to commemorate Pavlos Fyssas' memory, is to strenghthen what strikes fear in their hearts; to build the necessary terms for the people and workers' movement to oppose the system that bred fascism.

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