Saturday, March 28, 2020

A workers letter from BIC's factory in Greece.

The situation inside the BIC factory in Greece has hit rock bottom. At this point our health is at serious risk. With their stance, the employers are revealing in the cruellest manner that they have no regard for our lives when their profit is on the line.

Nothing has changed in the production process. We keep working with no room to swing a mouse lacking every means of protection (masks, gloves, etc.), putting ourselves and our families at high risk. The factory management not only chose to keep the factory open, but also to make the workers work overtime and to increase the production. They are acting as if nothing is wrong and are asking from us to be “calm” and “patient” without taking into consideration the risk they’re putting us at.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

THE WORKING CLASS IN FRONT OF A DOUBLE THREAT - Defending Our Lives, Defending Our Rights

translated ftom Class March a left masss organsation of working people in Greece

The working class and the workers are in front of a huge and unprecedented challenge. The alarm declared by the system’s headquarters worldwide because of the corona-virus pandemic doesn’t have only the side of the immediate threat to health and lives of the masses. It also has the side of launching a round of intense attacks on labor and mass rights worldwide.

The system’s forces are already preparing for a new cycle of recession, another plunge of financial size. The blows received by entire branches due to the pandemic bans, in parallel with episodes of intensified economic competition, are sure to be passed on to the working class and workers everywhere in the world.