Monday, January 29, 2018

Solidarity to Pablo Hasel

Spain: “They want to condemn me to 2 years in prison for writing songs”


Every day we have to endure all kinds of defenders of fascism and absolutely nothing happens; on the contrary, fascists are even defended by the police when they protest, they have TV channels, newspapers, public finance etc.
However, saying that those who throw families out on the streets deserve to be punished is considered defending terrorism. They accuse me of not feeling bad if something happens to those who condemn us to poverty and precariousness. They judge me because they cannot stand our struggle to end the constant injustices and the fact that my music makes people think.

Friday, January 12, 2018

How dare she?

Last Tuesday, Israel Defense Forces soldiers shot Hamed al-Masri, 15, in the head, wounding the unarmed boy from Salfit severely. On Friday, soldiers shot the unarmed Mohammed Tamimi, also 15, in the head, wounding the Nabi Saleh boy severely. Also on Friday, soldiers killed Ibrahim Abu Thuraya, a double amputee, shooting him in the head, too. On the same day Ahed Tamimi, 16, stood in the courtyard of her home with her girlfriend and slapped an IDF officer who had invaded her home.
Israel woke from its slumber angry: How dare she. The three victims of the barbaric shooting didn’t interest Israelis, and the media didn’t even bother to report on them. But the slap (and kick) by Tamimi provoked rage. How dare she slap an IDF soldier? A soldier whose friends slap, beat, abduct and of course shoot Palestinians almost every day.