Thursday, October 8, 2020

ATHENS: NEO-NAZI ‘’GOLDEN DAWN’’ TRIAL Conviction combined with state repression Which “democracy” won?

More than 25,000 people gathered on Alexandras Avenue and surrounding streets ­­erupted in applause with the announcement of the decision of the Criminal Court of Appeals at the Golden Dawn trial. Only minutes later, riot police attacked with an obvious predetermined government plan to dismantle the rally with chemicals, flash grenades and water spraying from modern their new armored vehicles. The largest part (including our block) walked towards Vassilissis Sofias Avenue and completed the demonstration at the Parliament, while the smaller one headed towards Patision Avenue.

CPG (m-l), formed a militant block from 9.30 in the morning, with the goal to express with its banner, slogans and announcements its perception and political position both for the specific fascist-Nazi organization and its trial, as well as for the system that nurtured it and today "replaces" and "withdraws" it, because of its own contradictions, but of course also as a result of the pressure of the people. All left forces and the anarchists were present. People responded to the general call, despite the overall right-wing shift of the political scene and the anti-popular policies they have to endure, because they felt that this day "belonged" to them. All those tens of thousands of protesters in many cities of the country prove that reflexes still exist in the masses.

This is how a long first cycle of anti-fascist mobilizations and activities on the issue of Golden Dawn (GD) was closed. From the point of view of the bourgeois judicial system, the sentences remain to be announced (based on the revised articles of the Penal Code, which the SYRIZA government took care to “lighten”) and of course we should not forget the adjudication of cases to the second degree. The so-called common sense of justice, as said and written, was it realized or another piece is added to the two-way laundering of the fascist formation and the bourgeois political system, therefore the system as a whole? 

For years the imperialists, the bourgeoisie, the state and their system "invested" in GD. They nurtured it, supported it, made it gigantic, they made the fascist "agenda" the basic political direction and implemented policy of all bourgeois governments. It was flesh from the flesh of the system, a helper to the repression mechanisms, an acceptable interlocutor for the bourgeoisie, a figure next to high-ranking government officials and not just system executives, with open multifaceted channels of communication between them. Today, they all lie and pretend they had nothing to do with it. However, the race for political exploitation of GD’s "pool of votes", reveals otherwise. At a time of great pressure for the system on both the economy and the so-called national issues (economic and geostrategic memoranda, as we have called them), at a time when capitalist-imperialist aggression intensifies, an openly fascist version with an "anti-systemic" profile was useful, to channel the anger of the people in paths painless for the system. Always against the workers, the refugees-immigrants, the toilers, the youth. That is how the fascist formation was laundered.

Mitsotakis, Samaras, Tsipras, Gennimata, Varoufakis and even Velopoulos (leader of another nationalist-racist party!) "broke out" today against GD. All those who even had open political dealings with it, who tolerated its actions, who grafted their programs with extreme right-wing, chauvinist and racist positions, who knew of its high percentages in the police force, in the highest ranks of military and judicial level, pretend today that they were the ignorant and condemn this "exception" of their political system. There are others, all these Pharisees of the Media of Mass Deception turning black to white, who indulge in all forms of concealment and slander against the people, who carry out and promote the reactionary propaganda of those who pay them, pretend to be "democrats" and members of the "democratic arc". Today, the end of the GD trial in the first degree, became the occasion for a political catwalk and mainly it is attempted to function as a cleansing of the bourgeois political system and its parties in total. After the condemnation of the "abscess", the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie in the form of bourgeois parliamentary democracy "can" continue unhindered the work of selling out the country to the US and European imperialists, the invasion of the working and social middle-ages, the enforcement of “law and order”. Really, how far are all these from what the bourgeois justice formally condemned today? A number of fascist parties have already taken the position of the GD. Their "democracy" does not belong to the people, it belongs to capital and imperialism!

We have the opinion that fascism -as the offspring of the system- will continue to exist and operate to its advantage. Its uprooting requires the strengthening of the workers and the revolutionary communist movement. As much as we rejoiced together with all the truly democratic and anti-fascist people, we also know that the womb that gives birth to it will continue to reproduce and transform it in various forms, more or less obvious, covered or uncovered. And if today the regime made the choice to "end" with the specific model of the criminal-knife-thrower who reveals and exposes it, the official political system will continue to promote fascist practices in public and political life. In this sense, fascism will disappear only when the working class and the people take over political power and the administration of society, when they overthrow the system of dependence and exploitation.

Until then, we have many more episodes of "resosrting" in fascism to see, in its most official governmental, state versions. We are not done with fascism. The struggle continues!


October 7, 2020

The Press Office of CPG (m-l)

Source:  CPG(m-l)









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