by Thomas Weston, from the website marxist philosophy

Opposition is a relationship between two things
(“sides,” “aspects”) that exclude each other but are also connected, where that
each side is what it is partly because of its relation to its opposite. This
means, in particular, that if something were separated from its opposite
(assuming that is possible), it would have to change a lot. Opposition does not
automatically imply conflict.
Opposition Examples: parents and their children (this
is an opposite relation, whether they are in conflict or not), the working
class and the capitalist class, economic production and consumpti4on, theory
and practice.
Supplementary Opposition: Two opposite sides that support or
complete each other, and do not interfere with each other.
Supplementary Opposition Examples: It is debatable whether there are
real examples of this, since opposites might always interfere with each other.
There are cases however, where the interference is negligible. Two unions might
cooperate closely in a strike against the same employer. Credit and
buying/selling can facilitate each other. The poles of a magnet seem not to
interfere with each other.
Contradiction: Two opposite sides that struggle
and interfere with each other, a “unity and struggle of opposites.” This is the
most important concept of dialectics.
Contradiction Examples: Class struggle of capitalists and
workers, theory and practice (often), basketball, attraction and repulsion
inside an atom, mental and manual labor, reform and revolution.
Imperialist rivalry is a network of overlapping
contradictions between imperial powers. When war gets closer, the rivals tend
to form alliances that result in a single contradiction between the two groups
of imperialists.
Supplementary Opposition Facts: Supplementary oppositions can turn
into contradictions. Opposites that are purely supplementary (no interference
at all between the two sides) might never happen, and if they do, they won’t
stay that way.
Interpenetration of Opposites: This means that there is never a perfectly
sharp division between opposite sides, but there are borderline cases and
internal connections between opposites. This is why it isn’t enough to think of
opposites as like opposite forces in physics.
Interpenetration Examples: The capitalist state and the
capitalist economy are opposites, but U. S. Treasury officials are often Wall
Street bankers. There is no sharp border between the working class and the
lower levels of the capitalist class. In physics, changes in either the
electrical field or the magnetic field will cause the other to change.
Dominant Side: Opposites usually have a dominant
side, a side that has greater influence or power.
Dominant Side Examples: When children are young, parents
dominate in the parent-child relation. The capitalist class dominates the
working class (for now). Attraction dominates repulsion in the nucleus of an
atom, unless it is radioactive. The capitalist class dominates the state.
Question: how about the relation between thinking and material reality?
Transition into the Opposite: Typically this means (1) the
dominant side shifts in an opposition, but sometimes it means that (2)
something is taken over from the opposite side. Usually expressed this way: “Under certain conditions, something will
turn into its opposite.” Not really a law, since the necessary conditions might
never come about, but this is a common phenomenon.
Transition Examples: (1) Dominant side shifts: Parents
grow old and their children make decisions for them. Revolution can make the
working class dominant over the capitalist class, as in the October Revolution
in Russia. Revolutionaries and communist parties sometimes turn into enemies of
the working class, become revisionist. (2) Something is taken over from its
opposite: Practice turns into theory, and theory turns into practice. As the
result of a big debate in Chinese Marxist philosophy, Mao Zedong said that in
appropriate conditions, thought turns into reality (by the action of political
movements, for example), and reality turns into thought (as the result of
learning from experience).
A system or process is made up of
overlapping opposites. Some opposites in the capitalist system: working class
vs. capitalist class, state vs. economy. In the economy: production vs.
consumption, production vs. distribution, the real economy vs. finance and
banking. Between states: alliances and rivalries. All of these opposites are
contradictory, at least most of the time.
Contradictions Develop: Development
of a contradiction means the two sides become more clearly distinguished and
their struggle becomes more intense. Development takes place at different rates
in different contradictions at different times. If there are any contradictions
that don’t develop at all, they are quite rare.
Examples of
Development of Contradictions: Disagreements in a marriage can
the point that no reconciliation is possible. In the Euro crisis of 2011-2012, the contradiction between the
debts of the Greek government (and other debt-heavy states) and the future
income to pay those debts steadily increased. The costs of refinancing the debt
grew because debt holders realized that there was a high risk of default, and
therefore demanded higher interest rates.
Resolution of Contradictions: Most contradictions do not last
forever. They develop, and the conflict between their two sides becomes so
intense that they cannot both continue to exist. The result is the destruction
of one side (or both sides), which ends the contradiction, but produces new
have sometimes called this process “synthesis,” but this is not a good term,
since it suggests merging, rather than the victory of one side. Mao Zedong said "Synthesis is just the
completed development of one side, the elimination of one side, and the
resolution of the contradiction," which is the right idea, despite the
terminology (conversation with Ai Siqi, June 1964).
“Antagonistic” and
“Non-Antagonistic” Contradictions: This bogus distinction was part of the dialectic thought of the socialist
countries, beginning about 1930. “Non-antagonistic” contradictions were
supposed to be ones that die out without becoming more intense or destroying
either side of the contradiction. Historical experience shows that this did not
happen in the socialist states. Their internal contradictions became intense
and destroyed the socialist system. This distinction should be rejected
outright, rather than saying that all contradictions are antagonistic.
Among the People and Contradictions
with the Enemy: This is an important distinction which is not the same the
supposed distinction between antagonistic and non-antagonistic contradictions.
The methods for resolving contradictions within a collective are not the same
as those for resolving contradictions between that collective and its enemies,
even if both tend to become more intense. Mao’s error was to say that the
“among the people” contradictions are “non-antagonistic,” that is, don’t tend
to become more intense, which is false. Fighting to eliminate wrong ideas and
actions inside a collective is not usually the same thing as defeating
particular people, showing them up or kicking them out.
Quality and Quantity:
Dialectical contradiction is the central
concept of dialectical philosophy. Dialectics also has other laws that help
explain what happens in processes that are driven forward by
contradictions. A quantity is a property that can be more or less, and usually can be
measured in numbers, like temperature, age, hourly wage, rate of profit, amount
of leaflets distributed, etc. A quality is a property that is either
present or not present, and does not come in degrees, like being square,
beautiful, green, unemployed, at war, etc.
Qualitative Change and Quantitative Change
Change of quantity
usually goes through intermediate stages. Change of quality can often happen quickly, without going through
intermediate stages. When you heat water, its temperature (a quantity)
gradually increases. At a certain temperature bubbles suddenly appear and
boiling starts. The change from not-boiling to boiling is a qualitative change.
General principle: If quantitative change continues far enough, it will produce
a qualitative change.
Quantity and
Quality Examples: Intensification of imperialist rivalry leads to war,
increasing distribution of political literature can make a qualitative
political change in a workplace, growth of the working class movement can shift
the main contradiction in the world from imperialist vs. imperialist to workers
vs. capitalists.
Contradiction is more important than qualitative change. It is a mistake in
dialectics to emphasize qualitative change and play down contradiction. Both
Trotsky and Bukharin did this, and despite his misleading “contradiction”
terminology so did Althusser.
Negation: The result of a qualitative change (or a transition into the
opposite), a significant phase in the history of a process or system.
Negation Examples: A worker getting a job (unemployment is replaced by
employment), ice melts, a seed turns into a plant, an empire is destroyed, an
anti-capitalist revolution.
Negation of
the Negation: One dialectical negation followed by a second dialectical
negation. The general principle is that when this double negation happens, the
result may be similar in some ways to the original situation, but will also be
different in some significant way.
Negation of
the Negation Examples: Melt an ice cube and freeze it again. It won’t be
exactly the same as the original cube. After the failure of socialism, Marxist
revolutions won’t repeat past errors, but will probably make some new ones.
Marx’s example: Communist revolution “expropriates the expropriators,” but
doesn’t lead to a new expropriation.
Why Negation
of the Negation matters: (1) There are no circles in history. There are
partial reverses, which also have new features. (2) Sometimes people speak of
the second negation as repeating the original situation “on a higher level.”
“Higher” does not mean better, but it does mean that human actors can take
advantage of historical experience, and try to produce a better result. (3) The
differences in the current situation, compared with that before two negations,
can make big differences. We need to make use of ideas and examples from the
earlier history of the communist movement, but also to pay attention to new
factors that will produce different results.
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