Interview of professor of Medieval English literature at Montclair State University, Grover Furr, on the occasion of the 140th birth anniversary of Joseph Stalin
years after his death, the name of Joseph Stalin remains at the
epicenter of anti-communism. The bourgeois historiography, as well as
bourgeois political forces, continue the vilification of Stalin, calling
him a “dictator”, a “bloodthirsty tyrant” who supposedly “killed tens
of millions of people”. According to your view, why anti-communists still focus their attacks on Stalin and what are the major sources of their claims?
G.FURR: Defenders
of capitalism need to depict communism as something horrible! So, in
addition to hiding the horrors of capitalism- imperialism, they require a
“boogeyman” to focus on as the epitome of the “evil” of communism. Stalin
was the leader of the USSR and the world communist movement during the
period of its greatest triumphs, and therefore of its greatest threat to
capitalism. So Stalin would be a natural target in any case.
But there are at least
two other factors. The first is Leon Trotsky, who lied about Stalin in
virtually everything he wrote from 1928 until his murder in 1940.
Trotsky’s post-1929 writings were the first major source of lies and
slander against Stalin and the USSR. The
second is Nikita Khrushchev. His “Secret Speech” of February 25, 1956
to the XX Party Congress was a devastating blow to the world communist
movement. And it was an invaluable gift to the anticommunists of the
After the XXII Party
Congress in October, 1961, when Khrushchev and his people attacked
Stalin even more viciously, with even more lies, Khrushchev and the CPSU
sponsored hundreds of books and articles attacking and lying about
Stalin. Khrushchev
also sponsored hundreds of books and articles attacking and lying about
Lavrentii Beria, whose murder Khrushchev organized on June 26, 1953.
Beria is not as significant a figure in Soviet history as is Stalin. But
Khrushchev and his men slandered Beria at least as viciously, if not
more viciously, as they did Stalin. And those who had been closest to
Stalin – Molotov, Malenkov, Kaganovich – supported Khrushchev in this
unprincipled attack upon and murder of Beria.